Skin Care Series: Eskinol Oil Control Pimple Fighting Facial Wash

Kamusta! This is another Skin Care Series and it will be about a local product, it's the Eskinol Oil Control Pimple Fighting Facial Wash.

History 101: When I was in high school I had major acne problem maybe due to puberty or maybe because I used Pond's facial scrub to early but what ever the reason was, bottom line I had ACNE in high school which  was totally not cool. And so, I stopped using Pond's facial scrub and when free sample was given in my school I tried it. And that was Eskinol. I tried to use it right after school and I liked it IMMEDIATELY! It was very mild and I believe it helped to cure my existing pimples back then. And so, from that day up to now, I've been using it. It has never been replaced in my skin care routine as my facial wash.

Tada! So this is my 'holy grail' facial wash. It lessens my chances of having break outs and if ever I have one, it helps on curing the zit. For me, it's an amazing product and I just can't find any facial wash that I can use as an alternative to this.

FYI: This one was repackaged. The old packaging was a white tube and that was just Derma clear-C but now I think it was reformulated and renamed to Pimple Fighting facial wash and the company added some tea tree oil to it which INMHO is good and personally, I like it for my skin.

I don't remember how much this is, but you can find it almost anywhere. You can find it at most drugstores here in the Philippines (e.g. Mercury drugstore and Watson's).

I've been using this product for seven (7) years now and I will continue to use it.

Thanks for reading! :) Paalam!